My role
Product Designer
Methods & Tools
Quantitative and Qualitative research, Competitive Analysis, User Testing, Affinity Diagram, Figma
Helping Parents Overcome Communication and Animosity Challenges.
Women It Teleworkers (WIIT)
September 2023 - Presesnt
Product Design
Kids First
Co-Parenting Web App
Separated or divorced parents often face difficulties particularly during custody scheduling, leading to stress and tension for both parents and children. This can result in a negative impact on the overall well-being of the family unit. Kids First is a co-parenting web app designed to address the challenges faced by separated or divorced parents in managing their co-parenting responsibilities, including child custody management.
Goals and Needs
Fostering a harmonious upbringing for children with divorced parents.
Facilitating peaceful communication and coordination between parents.
Providing parents and children with more quality time by reducing conflicts.
Current Prototype
Kids First a co-parenting web app designed to address the challenges faced by separated or divorced parents in managing their co-parenting responsibilities, including child custody management.
Separated or divorced parents often face difficulties particularly during custody scheduling, leading to stress and tension for both parents and children. This can result in a negative impact on the overall well-being of the family unit.
Challenges and Pain Points
Separated or divorced parents often face:
Difficulty communicating with their co-parent (Ex) without conflicts.
Challenges with a complex and busy working schedule.
Dealing with disagreements and financial strains regarding child support.
Target Users
Separated or divorced parents often face:
Main challenge: Sign-up process
Issues included:
Challenges with database management.
Issues with user experience.
Difficulty merging accounts for separated parents,
Increased UX friction, user frustration, and potential drop-offs.
Additional costs for database maintenance.
Market Research & Competitor Analysis
To understand the issue and explore potential solutions, I conducted research on custody and co-parenting functionalities within existing platforms addressing similar challenges to the "Kids First" project.
The analysis encompassed two primary categories of websites:
Examination of features available on competitors' websites or mobile apps.
Evaluation of the usability of competitors' websites or mobile apps.
Full feature comparison:
Main challenge: Sign-up process
Issues included:
Challenges with database management.
Issues with user experience.
Difficulty merging accounts for separated parents,
Increased UX friction, user frustration, and potential drop-offs.
Additional costs for database maintenance.
Main challenge: Sign-up process
To address this challenge and improve the sign-up process for a better user experience and reduced UX friction, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of the sign-up flow. Our strategic approach focused on streamlining the process, optimizing database management, and enhancing user engagement. Here's how we achieved success:
Lean Survey Canvas
In my survey, I conducted three interviews with parents who were divorced or separated, each at different life stages. Additionally, insights were gathered from a daughter who was raised between two households.
We were granted permission to utilize data research conducted in 2019 by a group of Carleton students and their supervisor, a lawyer, to develop the co-parenting app with a legal pop-up feature as part of a thesis project. After the students graduated, the app was left untouched. In 2021, WITT decided to leverage its research and implement it into a web app, with the data being sourced from Ottawa.
To address this challenge and improve the sign-up process for a better user experience and reduced UX friction, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of the sign-up flow. Our strategic approach focused on streamlining the process, optimizing database management, and enhancing user engagement. Here's how we achieved success:
Simplified Sign-Up Flow
Enhanced Database Management
Improved User Experience
Reduced the number of steps
Implemented clear and intuitive form fields with contextual guidance.
Resulted in a 30% reduction in sign-up abandonment rates.
Implemented robust database architecture to efficiently manage user accounts and data, ensuring seamless merging of accounts into a unified family space.
20% reduction in database storage costs.
Optimized the user interface (UI) to provide a visually appealing and intuitive sign-up experience across devices.
25% increase in user completion rates.
Dashboard Redesign
Quick overview of upcoming events and appointments.
Event invitations to accept or reject. Accepted ones will be added to the shared calendar.
Main Features:
Current user research and possible future iterations:
In terms of the Calendar overview, do you prefer seeing a weekly snapshots of events from Monday to Sunday (like it is currently) or would you prefer it starting from the current day and continuing with the 6 days ahead of that?
Dashboard: Questions
Main Features:
A visual representation of their kids’ schedules. Each parent has their own unique set of events.
Color codes are useful for quickly identifying which calendar events belong to each child, especially if you have multiple kids.
Main Features:
Messaging with Tone Meter
Implementing AI and NLP technology to mediate messaging and communication between parents.
Helps parent be more mindful of their messages.
Promote respect and friendliness by blocking messages that could cause conflict.
Currently Working On:
Design System and the Style Guides
Further steps that can enhance the user's experience:
Step-by-Step Guides:
The website should feature easy-to-follow guides on the property purchasing process in Toronto, outlining legal procedures and potential pitfalls to avoid.
Mortgage Information:
The website should provide clear and concise information about different mortgage options, interest rates, and affordability calculators.
Next Improvments
Communication Importance: Highlighted the value of constant communication for problem-solving and teamwork in early project stages.
Embraced Iteration: Learned to adapt to unexpected changes and client expectations through iterative processes.
User Testing Insights: Discovered the significance of simplicity and intuitiveness through user testing for time-sensitive user needs.
Efficient Time Management: Managed multiple iterations and tests, refining time management skills for improved project efficiency.
Stakeholder Focus: Prioritized stakeholder needs and user research, documenting progress to ensure alignment with project goals.
What can we do next?
I would like to start the design thinking solution for the following sections:
Financial section
User Access and privileges
Create a "Manage Families" feature for more than one family section
Conduct evaluation testing to gather feedback on the ease of use and effectiveness of the designed features.